Public Lands Transportation Fellows Projects 2012-2013

Sabino Canyon Recreation Area (USFS) – Andrew Valdez, June 2012-April 2013

The Sabino Canyon Recreation Area is an extremely popular recreation area in the Coronado National Forest near Tucson, Arizona. Visitors come to Sabino Canyon to walk, hike, camp, and ride the shuttle system to learn about the area’s diverse history and landscape all while enjoying the beautiful Sonoran Desert landscape. The Forest Service is looking to have a transportation scholar, with an emphasis in engineering, landscape architecture, or environmental engineering/planning, to work with a group of professionals to implement the design, engineering, and environmental analysis (NEPA) required to improve access, circulation, visitor experience and visitor safety by planning for the construction of an accessible trail system in Sabino Canyon. A stipend for housing will be offered to the candidate chosen for this position.

Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge (USFWS) – Heidi Beierle, June 2012-April 2013

The Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge preserves an approximately 60,000 acre area of natural grasslands and the abundant wildlife that make it their home along the Wichita Mountain range in southwestern Oklahoma. The Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge receives over a million visitors each year that find the natural rugged landscape an ideal location for hiking, fishing, viewing and photographing wildlife, and other outdoor activities. Unfortunately a large majority of these visitors arrive and tour the refuge using a private vehicle. The Refuge is looking for a transportation scholar to help shape a well-defined scope of work and NEPA ready project to create a multi-use transportation network that encourages visitors to travel to and within the Refuge using alternative transportation. Housing will be provided to the candidate that is chosen for this project.

North Moab Recreation Areas (BLM) – Sommer Roefaro, June 2012-April 2013

North Moab Recreation Area is a popular public lands site located at the core of the Colorado Plateau in southeastern Utah. Over 2.5 million people come to the Moab area each year to mountain bike and enjoy the stunning landscapes of the surrounding 1.8 million acres of public lands. The Moab Recreation Areas is looking for a transportation scholar to review potential linkages between the developing North Moab Recreation Areas Alternative Transportation System and the proposed Arches National Park Pilot Transit System. The scholar will also look into transportation opportunities within the surrounding area and make recommendations about how the developing and potential systems could be further developed to reduce congestion and private vehicle use. Shared housing will be provided to the candidate chosen for this project.

  • North Moab Recreation Areas Application (pdf)
  • Transportation Scholar Sommer Roefaro’s Bio (pdf)
  • Sommer Roefaro’s 2013 TRB Poster (abstract pdf, poster pdf)
  • Sommer Roefaro’s 2013 Final Report (pdf)
  • Sommer Roefaro’s Blog: